Those who work in the nursing profession are typically tough-as-nails. This goes for those who are just starting out as certified nursing assistants, or those who have worked to become a registered nurse or nurse practitioner.
Whether you’re a patient in a hospital or clinic or a colleague of a nursing professional, remember to avoid saying these 5 things to them.
1. “Hey, Nurse.”
Nurses, just like you, have names and deserve to be called by their name – not just “nurse.” It can be perceived as disrespectful by simply referring to them by using “hey nurse.” Make the effort to get to know them (and remember their name). You’ll form more positive relationships with the nurses who care for you – or whom you work with.
2. “Nursing is easy!”
Nurses often work long, hard hours – sometimes as long as physicians do. They also voluntarily take on the tasks that most physicians don’t want or don’t have time for – which include initial vital readings and other tasks such as administering vaccines, taking blood and more.
3. “On Grey’s Anatomy…”
As entertaining as Grey’s Anatomy and other soap operas may seem, they’re just that: dramatized television. Don’t engage a nurse and use comparisons or treatment solutions that you’ve seen on your favorite TV drama. While the treatments they used on television may hold some credibility, it isn’t always the same as situations that unfold in reality. Not to mention they make it look so easy on TV. All in all, it’s best to stay away from Grey’s Anatomy comments.
4. “You’re Just a Nurse.”
There’s no such thing as just a nurse. Nurses are the backbone of any healthcare facility and clinic. While they may not hold the title of a doctor, they perform many of the intricate tasks that doctors don’t. They’ve also undergone numerous hours of classroom and clinical training and have worked hard to get where they are – no matter whether they’re a nurse practitioner or a certified nursing assistant.
5. “Why Didn’t You Become a Doctor?”
Asking a nurse why they didn’t become a doctor insinuates that doctors are inherently better than nurses. Many people choose nursing above all else because it’s a career that holds incredible meaning for them. While it may be okay to ask your nurse or nurse colleague this question during a conversation, its best to tread lightly to avoid implying insult.
Nurses are often tough, hard-working professionals who deserve just as much respect as doctors. This goes for those just starting out in the nursing profession as certified nursing assistants, or nurse practitioners. Therefore, remember to avoid these questions or comments while you’re in their care, or in their workspace!
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