Thousands of clinics, hospitals, doctor’s offices, and other medical facilities are utilizing medical contractors to revolutionize the way they provide care. Whether these temporary staff members are helping your facility through a staff shortage, providing gap coverage for regular employees, or part of an expansion effort, medical contractors can provide significant benefits to your facility no matter where they are placed. Even if you only have the capacity for a part-time position, that one staff member can go a long way to providing support and raising morale when you need it most.
Here’s just a few more of the ways that utilizing medical contractors can benefit your facility:
Ensure Gap Coverage
The most common use of medical contractors is gap coverage. When a nurse or other medical professional goes on vacation or maternity leave, it’s essential to ensure that your clinic or hospital isn’t left short staffed. Medical contractors fill this need by taking positions from a few weeks to a few months long, to ensure that your facility is able to remain fully staffed all year round.
Quality Care for Patients and Staff
If you’ve been short-staffed for months on end, your existing staff is probably tired and worn out, and their performance may suffer accordingly. When you bring in a medical contractor, you’re ensuring that your patients continue to receive the highest quality of care, and your remaining staff gets a much-needed break. With the rising rates of burnout in the medical community, it’s essential to take preemptive steps to combat burnout before it occurs.
Range of Services
By employing medical contractors, you are able to expand the range of services available at your facility without breaking the bank. This is especially valuable for rural communities, who may not be able to afford a full-time specialist in some areas but can bring in a contractor or a part-time individual to offer those services on an as-needed basis. This can also be useful when clinics or hospitals are looking to expand quickly and have not found the right individual for a permanent position yet. A medical contractor can fill this gap temporarily and allow the facility to expand in the meantime.
Take a Test Drive
Employing medical contractors is a great way to “test drive” candidates or explore new programs or positions at your facility. Whether you’re not sure about investing in an individual or are debating whether you’ll have enough patients to justify bringing on a particular specialist full-time, bringing on someone on a contract basis offers you the opportunity to “try before you buy”. If they work out, great, they may be able to transition smoothly into your team. If not, you have no further commitments after they have fulfilled the terms of their contract.
At JIT Staffing, we’ve built a highly effective process for identifying, recruiting, and presenting the highest quality of clinical health care staff to clients in the healthcare industry. If you’re ready to find the perfect candidates for your open positions, connect with us today.